
Ways to Give

Support YGW

For almost 60 years, the Yeshiva of Greater Washington has been at the forefront of Jewish education. Our mission is to root each student in Torah, plant a passion for learning, and prepare them for life. Almost 2,000 alumni are testament to the success of that mission as they teach and serve the Jewish community in 26 states, in Israel, and in countries throughout the world.

Nowhere has the impact of our mission been felt more than in our own community. Our local alumni are active in every way, and are engaged in the entire spectrum of our community’s institutions, schools, and synagogues, as rabbis, teachers, board members, and volunteers, passionately committed to the growth and future of our community.

It is thanks to our partnership with you, in support of Jewish education and a Jewish future, that all of this is possible. We provide scholarship funds of approximately $2.3 million per year which helps more than 75% of our families. It is an enormous challenge, but one that we know is necessary for our community and our future. Join us today.

Ways to Give Back

List of 7 items.

  • Online Donations to YGW

    The donation link on the right hand side of the page will take you to a secure donation page which allows you to specify the amount of your donation, and whether it is a one-time or recurring donation.

    You will be able to fill in special instructions or designations for your payment before approving your donation.

    If you are participating in any of our dedication programs, please fill out all the information requested on the specific form to the right (e.g Parnas HaYom Form) before you submit your donation.

    Thank you.
  • Sustainers Circle

    Join our monthly donation program and help support our students each and every day. You can join by making your donation a recurring donation on the Donate Now page linked to the right. 
  • Parnas HaYom - Support a Day of Learning

    Dedicate a Day of Learning at the Yeshiva to honor someone, wish a speedy recovery from illness, or remember a loved one. Your dedication will be posted in the Beis Medrash on that day and an acknowledgement letter as well as the posting will be sent to the recipient you specify.

    Sponsorship Levels
    Parnas HaYom – Day of Learning $50 per grade; $180 for school
    Parnas HaShavua – Week of Learning $360
    Parnas HaShabbos – a full Shabbos of Learning $360
          Friday night learning with Cholent $100
          Shabbos Kiddush and the Shiur $200
          Seudas Shlishis $150

    Please fill out the form to the right, submit the form, and then pay from the confirmation link or the Donate Now button also to the right.
  • The Kol Kaddish Program

    Remember your loved ones.

    The Kol Kaddish Program provides the critical service of arranging the Kaddish and/or Yizkor prayer(s) to be said on their behalf.  This is helpful to those who have no one to say Kaddish for their loved ones during the first year of mourning, or for those who may need occasional assistance when daily synagogue attendance is not possible.

    There is also an option for those who would like for Yizkor to be recited on their behalf, and/or those who would like kaddish to be recited annually on their loved one's Yahrtzeit.

    Below, is the list of three different options:

    Kaddish Program - $360
    This includes Kaddish three times daily, in addition to Yizkor, for the first year of mourning.

    Yahrtzeit and Yizkor in Perpetuity - $600
    This includes Yahrtzeit and Yizkor services in perpetuity. You, and as many relatives as you designate will be notified in advance of the Yahrtzeit each year. (Daily kaddish is not included in this option.)
    Complete Kol Kaddish Program - $750
    This includes Kaddish three times daily for the year of mourning, and Yahrtzeit and Yizkor services in perpetuity. You, and as many relatives as you designate will be notified in advance of the Yahrtzeit each year.

    Please fill out the form to the right, submit the form, and then pay from the confirmation link or the Donate Now button also to the right.

    Let us be your partners in prayer!

  • Memorial Plaque

    One of the time honored Jewish traditions is to purchase a plaque in memory of a loved one. The plaque is located in the Yeshiva Beis Medrash, and indeed the hallowed Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt"l stated that the purchaser actually owns that space in the Beis Medrash - a place where Torah is studied day and night - forever! - $360 - 

    Please fill out the form to the right, submit the form, and then pay from the confirmation link or the Donate Now button also to the right.

    For further information contact Mrs. Chayie Chinn, ext 1552 (
  • Sefer Dedications

    Donate Seforim in honor or memory of friends and loved ones. A dedication book plate will be affixed on the inside cover and an acknowledgment letter will be sent to the recipient you specify.

    For further information contact Mrs. Chayie Chinn, ext 1552 (
  • YGW Legacy Society

    The YGW Legacy Society is composed of alumni, faculty, parents, staff and community members who have provided for the Yeshiva of Greater Washington through a bequest or planned gift. These gifts may benefit a wide variety of programs within the Yeshiva community, such as the scholarship fund, one of the discretionary accounts for the high schools, or even funding for a specific memorial project.
    By making these very important and meaningful gifts, members of the Legacy Society have created their own legacy while helping to ensure the continued success and viability of YGW. This is the perfect way to help YGW continue providing quality education in both Torah and general subjects to the next generation of students.
    • Community Service

      Boys division supporting the local community

List of 4 items.

  • Rabbi Yitzchok Merkin

  • Rabbi Yitzchak Labell

    Director of Development
  • Rabbi Simmy Merkin

    Business Development Manager
  • Mrs. Chayie Chinn

    Development Coordinator

Find Us

Girls Campus  |  Administrative Division
2010 Linden Lane
Silver Spring, MD, 20910
Phone: (301) 962-5111

Boys Campus | Yeshiva Gedolah/Kollel
1216 Arcola Avenue
Silver Spring, MD, 20902
Phone: (301) 649-7077


The Yeshiva of Greater Washington-Tiferes Gedaliah (YGW) is a community-based school on two campuses in Silver Spring, Maryland. We have separate Boys and Girls Middle and High School Programs; a Yeshivah Gedolah/College Program; a Kollel; and community-wide programming. YGW emphasizes the primacy of Torah while providing exceptional general studies instruction. Our students graduate with the passion, preparation, and priorities necessary for life, as well as a healthy sense of self and community.
© 2021 Yeshiva of Greater Washington, All Rights Reserved